Below is a list of my free and paid resources may be helpful to your students and postdocs during social distancing.
Thank you in advance for sharing one or more of the resources with them or considering purchasing one of my products or services.
I’m planning to add to this page over time. Please send me the personal finance questions you are hearing and any ideas you have for additional resources.
Remote Speaking Services
All of my in-person seminars and workshops on personal finance for graduate students and postdocs are available remotely. I host my webinars over Zoom (or your preferred videoconferencing platform), so they are accessible wherever your trainees are.
60 or 90 Minute Presentations with Q&A ($1,250)
- The Graduate Student and Postdoc’s Guide to Personal Finance
- Why and How to Passively Invest as a Graduate Student or Postdoc
- Demystifying Taxes for Graduate Students and Postdocs
- Set Yourself Up for Success in Your PhD Program, Postdoc, or Post-PhD Job
Starting in fall 2020, I will additionally offer a half-day workshop ($2,500) that expands on and goes more in depth with the material in The Graduate Student and Postdoc’s Guide to Personal Finance.
Please email me ([email protected]) or book a call below to discuss the possibility of hosting one of these webinars.
Resources for Individuals
I offer a 40% discount on bulk purchases of these products. Please email me ([email protected]) or schedule a call if you are interested in making a bulk purchase.
Anytime Learning
Workshops (Pre-Recorded Materials Plus Live Support)
- How to Complete Your 2019 PhD Trainee Tax Return (and Understand It, Too!)
- Quarterly Estimated Tax for Fellowship Recipients
Ebook Bundle
Free Resources
Podcast Episodes
- Investing During Stock Market Volatility
- Starting a Side Hustle
- What to Do with Your Stimulus Check and How to Help Others
Anytime Learning
Written Content
- Tax Center for PhDs-in-Training 2019
- Five Ways to Improve Your Finances TODAY as a Graduate Student or Postdoc
- The Complete Guide to a Side Hustle for a PhD Student or Postdoc
- How to Find, Apply for, and Win a Fellowship During Your PhD or Postdoc
- Fellowship Income Is Now Eligible to Be Contributed to an IRA!
- Can and Should an International Student, Scholar, or Worker Invest in the US?
- Successful Investing for the Busy Early-Career PhD
- 10 Psychological Savings Tips
- How to Come Up with Cash Fast
I am actively looking to expand my network to include more people in your type of position at universities and research institutes. Many of my seminars and partnerships come about because of referrals from satisfied past clients like yourself. If you have a colleague or acquaintance who might be interested in my services or products, would you please connect me with them over email or send them this page? I would greatly appreciate it—and it would help a new group of graduate students and postdocs immensely!
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