As a graduate student, you know that graduate school is a financially challenging time, even though you receive a stipend. Grad students often struggle to understand their pay, manage their spending effectively, calculate their taxes, and decide whether to prioritize their lifestyle, investing, or paying down debt. You are in need of a resource created precisely for you that you can quickly and easily use in your financial life.
“The Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance” by Dr. Emily Roberts is an 80-minute comprehensive video seminar on personal finance for graduate students who receive stipends. It covers all the most important subjects that graduate students need to know to achieve financial success during graduate school and after. The video is in voice-over-slides format; it covers a great deal of material at a fast pace.
The Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance from Emily Roberts on Vimeo.
The major sections of this seminar are:
- values, goals, and strategies
- budgeting
- grad student pay and taxes
- the power of compound interest
- saving
- emergency funds
- investing
- tax-advantaged retirement accounts
- debt evaluation and repayment
Praise for the Live Version of “The Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance”
Emily has presented this seminar to stipend-receiving graduate students at twelve universities and counting starting in 2014.
“Very great presenter, appealing slides, and wonderful pace.” – a student at Emory University
“The talk was nicely tailored specifically for the needs and mindset of graduate students, and did a good job addressing different financial concerns that graduate students may have.” – a student at the University of Rochester
“Really clean and direct wisdom. Easy to access and a very directed talk to this audience.” – a student at the University of California at Los Angeles
“I thought it was honestly exactly what I was searching for in terms of content and presentation.” – a student at Duke University
“AMAZING, INSPIRING, INFORMATIVE.” – a student at the University of California at Davis
See more reviews of this presentation and others by Emily.
This video product is available through Vimeo for $29.99.
About Emily
Emily Roberts received a PhD in biomedical engineering from Duke University in 2014 and has been writing and teaching about personal finance since 2011. Her passion is to inspire and empower early-career PhDs to make the most of their money. In addition to speaking through PF for PhDs LLC, she is the founder of the websites Grad Student Finances and PhD Stipends and blogs about money at Evolving Personal Finance. She lives in Seattle, WA with her husband, who also holds a PhD from Duke.
Want to Spread the Word?
If you think your peers would benefit from viewing this seminar or another one on personal finance for early-career PhDs, please contact Emily ([email protected]) for more information about how to arrange an in-person or remote event.
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