I offer both live and asynchronous (pre-recorded) tax workshops on US federal income tax. During tax season I teach tax return preparation, and year-round I teach estimated tax. To learn more about or arrange to host/sponsor either workshop, please email emily at PFforPhDs dot com or book a call.
Annual Tax Return Preparation
Demystifying Taxes for Graduate Students—US Citizen/Resident Version [Live]
- Why: Teaches participants how to understand and calculate their higher education-related income and expenses and apply relevant education tax benefits.
- Who: Graduate students who are US citizens, permanent residents, or residents for tax purposes
- When: Tax season (February/March is ideal)
- How: Live one-hour workshop, in person or remote
- How Much: $2,500 per participant (volume discount for >100 participants)
- Description: Graduate students who receive stipends or salaries are in a niche tax situation, but it need not cause undue stress! Attend this workshop for tailored and actionable tax guidance, whether you received a Form W-2, a Form 1098-T, some other unusual document, or no tax forms at all. The workshop walks you through calculating the taxable portion of your academic income and minimizing your tax liability using your higher education expenses. Special considerations for fellowship recipients and state residency for tax purposes will also be covered. The intended audience for this workshop is graduate students who are US citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes who have assistantships or fellowships.
Demystifying Taxes for Graduate Students—Nonresident Version [Live]
- Why: Teaches participants how to understand their higher education-related income and expenses and apply relevant education tax benefits and tax treaties.
- Who: Graduate students who are non-residents
- When: Tax season (February/March is ideal)
- How: Live one-hour workshop, in person or remote
- How Much: $2,500 for up to 50 audience members; $3,000 for 51-100; etc.
How to Complete Your PhD Trainee Tax Return (and Understand It, Too!) [Asynchronous]
- Why: Teaches participants how to understand and calculate their higher education-related income and expenses and apply relevant education tax benefits.
- Who: Graduate students and postdocs, citizens/residents and nonresidents (different versions)
- When: Tax season (January to April of each year)
- How: Asynchronous workshop (i.e., pre-recorded videos with transcripts, worksheet(s)) with Q&A opportunities
- How Much: $25 per participant (volume discount for >100 participants)
- Where to learn more (tax year 2023 version)
Fellowship (Non-W-2) Income and Estimated Tax
How to Prevent a Large, Unexpected Tax Bill on Your Fellowship Income [Live]
- Who: Graduate students, postdocs, and postbacs who are not having income tax withheld from their stipends/salaries. Note: Only US citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes fall into this category.
- Why: Orients the participants to the potential taxability of their stipend/salary income, despite the lack of income tax withholding and unusual documentation. Teaches at a high level about documenting education expenses, estimated tax, setting up “self-withholding,” Individual Retirement Arrangement eligibility, and tax preparation software. Can be tailored to the specifics of your institution, e.g., pay schedule, tax forms.
- When: Near the start of the academic year
- How Long: One hour
- How: Live in-person seminar or remote webinar
- How Much: $2,500 for up to 50 audience members; $3,000 for 51-100; etc.
- Description: Congratulations on being awarded a fellowship! Don’t let your dream turn into a nightmare next tax season; too many fellowship recipients are surprised by a multi-thousand-dollar tax bill stacked with penalties and interest. When you aren’t having income tax withheld from your fellowship paychecks, it becomes your responsibility to manually pay your income tax bill up to four times per year. During this workshop, you will determine if you are required to make estimated tax payments and calculate your total tax liability for the year. Furthermore, you will learn the best practices for saving up for those payments, how to document your educational expenses to minimize your tax liability, and which tax software is most amenable to fellowship income.
Quarterly Estimated Tax for Fellowship Recipients [Asynchronous]
- Who: Graduate students, postdocs, and postbacs who are not having income tax withheld from their stipends/salaries. Note: Only US citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes fall into this category.
- Why: Teaches participants how to 1) estimate their future income tax liability, 2) determine if they are required to pay quarterly estimated tax, and 3) prepare to pay their tax bill or bills through setting up a system of self-withholding.
- When: Year-round, but ideally near the start of the academic year
- How: Asynchronous workshop (i.e., videos, spreadsheet) with Q&A opportunities
- How Much: $25 per participant
- Where to learn more
General for Orientation
Tax Season Preparation Starts Now for Graduate Students [Live]
- Who: Funded graduate students but especially first-years and those switching onto fellowship for the first time; domestic and international.
- Description: It’s never too early to start preparing for tax season, especially if you want to minimize your tax liability and avoid penalties and interest. This workshop will help you understand the type(s) of income you receive as a funded graduate student (domestic or international) and how much of it is subject to income tax. You will receive specific action steps to take now to maximize your deductions and during tax season to minimize your stress. Finally, fellowship recipients who are not having income tax withheld from their paychecks will learn how to avoid a large, unexpected tax bill.
- When: Near the start of the academic year, e.g., during orientation
- How Long: One hour
- How: Live in-person seminar or remote webinar
- How Much: $2,500 for up to 50 audience members; $3,000 for 51-100; etc.
- Description: It’s never too early to start preparing for tax season, especially if you want to minimize your tax liability and avoid penalties and interest. This workshop will help you understand the type(s) of income you receive as a funded graduate student (domestic or international) and how much of it is subject to income tax. You will receive specific action steps to take now to maximize your deductions and during tax season to minimize your stress. Finally, fellowship recipients who are not having income tax withheld from their paychecks will learn how to avoid a large, unexpected tax bill.
Click here for a complete list of universities that have licensed one or more of my tax workshops in the past.
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