I offer four deep-dive workshops on singular financial education topics. These four work well as independent events or as a series.
The information below is for academic year 2023-2024.
To learn more about or book any of these seminars, please email email at PFforPhDs dot com or schedule a call.
Content Options
Optimized Financial Goal-Setting for Graduate Students and Postdocs
Having any degree of savings when living on a grad student stipend or postdoc salary is a huge financial accomplishment. You are likely eager to make the best use of that limited flow of money. Should you save up cash? Should you pay down debt (even student loans)? Should you invest—and is that possible during PhD training? This workshop presents an eight-step framework that helps you make the right decision for your individual situation to get your money working hard for you by focusing on just one financial goal at a time.
Why and How to Passively Invest as a Grad Student or Postdoc
Even if you’re financially ready to invest, doing so is not straightforward as a graduate student or postdoc if you don’t have workplace retirement benefits—or even if you do! However, it is possible to invest even very small sums of money—without the investment management becoming a part-time job. This workshop teaches you how to passively invest your money in an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA), brokerage account, or workplace-based retirement account and guides you in how to choose where to open an independent account: a roboadvisor, discount brokerage firm, microinvesting platform, etc.
Whether and How to Pay Off Debt During Graduate School or Your Postdoc
Paying down debt is a wonderful financial step, but is PhD training the right time to do so when there are so many other demands on your money? This workshop teaches a framework to help you decide which debt(s) to prioritize repaying now and which can be put on the back burner. It also gives you specific strategies for minimizing the negative impact of various types of debt you may hold: credit cards, student loans, car loans, medical debt, mortgages, etc. Particular attention will be paid to how to treat federal student loans.
Up-Level Your Cash Flow as a Graduate Student and Postdoc
As a grad student or postdoc living on a modest stipend/salary, you’ve likely experienced having ‘more month than money.’ How can you create more cash flow to give yourself some breathing room and even work toward financial goals? This workshop will teach you how to apply the best practices in financial management, decrease your expenses, and increase your income. The goal is to reduce your stress about managing your money and give you multiple ideas for how you can effect a positive change in your cash flow.
Format Details
Each workshop includes:
- Approximately 1 hour of pre-recorded video content
- Multiple worksheets and/or spreadsheets for personal reflection
- A live discussion and Q&A call
The cost of hosting one workshop is a flat $500 fee plus $40 per participant (e.g., $2,500 for 50 participants).
I offer a discount for booking multiple events in a single academic year:
- Two events, 10% discount on both
- Three events, 20% discount on all
- Four or more events, 30% discount on all
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