Title: Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in Your PhD Program, Postdoc, or Post-PhD Job
Format: Live lecture with Q&A (in person or remote)
Intended Audience: Undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs graduating/moving on in the next year
Length: 60 minutes
Timing: Year-round
Summary: This seminar is designed for PhD trainees at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels who plan to graduate and/or take another job in the next year.
- Why and how to set up your budget before you move
- Tax (income, FICA)
- Payroll deductions, e.g., insurance
- 8-step financial framework
- Student loans (budgeting for repayment, income-driven repayment plans)
- Investing (workplace-based retirement accounts, IRAs)
- How to set your living expenses appropriately to your salary
- Homebuying
- Moving expenses
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