Have you benefitted from the free content I’ve created through Personal Finance for PhDs? Please support my business through one of these avenues so I can continue to create it!
Host or Recommend My Seminars / Workshops
I prefer to ask universities, etc. to pay me to get in front of their students and postdocs so the trainees themselves don’t have to!
- Please recommend me as a speaker to your (former):
- Graduate School / Wellness Office / Financial Aid Office / Career Services Center (I’m often hosted as part of an ongoing professional development or wellness series)
- Postdoc Office
- Graduate Student Government
- Association for an upcoming conference or webinar series
- Please ask for your school/department/association to purchase one of my products in bulk, for example:
- My annual tax workshop (pre-recorded so you can work through it at any time, plus Q&As)
- For more info, see the 2018 version’s description
- In 2019, I’ll produce a version for US citizen/residents and a version for international scholars
- My quarterly estimated tax workshop
- My annual tax workshop (pre-recorded so you can work through it at any time, plus Q&As)
When you recommend me, please link to my Speaking page or the product page and consider ccing me ([email protected]) so I can pick up the conversation.
Become a Client/Customer
I offer a line of educational products and consulting/coaching services.
Book a “Hello Call” below if you’d like to discuss becoming a coaching client!
Promote the Site
Please recommend Personal Finance for PhDs to a friend or peer!
- Link to pfforphds.com from your website or recommend that your university/association link to it.
- Send a piece of content over email.
- Share a piece of content on social media.
- Rate AND review the Personal Finance for PhDs podcast on Apple Podcasts.
Use a Referral Link
I don’t go heavy into referral links here on the website because it’s rare that the products and services I believe in offer them. However, I do have an Amazon referral link. If you shop through that link, I will receive a small commission on anything you buy with no price change for you.
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