Title: The Graduate Student and Postdoc’s Guide to Personal Finance
Format: Live lecture with Q&A (in person or remote)
Intended Audience: Graduate students receiving stipends, postdocs
Length: 120 minutes
Timing: Year-round
Live Seminar Outline: The Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance from Emily Roberts on Vimeo.
Summary: This comprehensive presentation or workshop teaches stipend-receiving graduate students and postdocs the basics of personal finance and how they can set and reach financial goals during grad school. This talk is appropriate for grad students of all years and postdocs. It is well-suited as a stand-alone event or part of an orientation or personal/professional development series.
- Financial goals framework
- Saving
- Emergency funds
- Targeted savings accounts
- Investing
- Tax-advantaged retirement accounts
- Passive investing
- Debt repayment
- Student loan deferment
- Whether to pursue income-driven repayment and forgiveness
- Increasing income
- Budgeting and frugality
- Pay types and tax implications
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